1. Professor Department of cardiology, Mahatma Gandhi medical College Jaipur
2. Senior resident Department of cardiology Mahatma Gandhi medical College Jaipur.
INTRODUCTION :With advent of new technology and advancement of coronary hardwares ,now a days primary angioplasty became rst line
of treatmet in patients with acute myocardial infarction .However with increasing complexity of lesion and some time high thrombus burden
multiple devices used to complete the procedure successfully . Any device used during intervention may lead to its own complication ,like broken
wire , broken balloon ,dislodged stent which may need urgent surgical removal otherwise leads to coronary thrombosis, myocardial infarction,
stroke, perforation and rarely sudden death . Various nonsurgical methods have been proposed for the retrieval of broken guidewire , balloon and
stent but not always effective . We describe a case for retrieval of broken thromosuction catheter ( Thrombuster II) used during primary
angioplasty for suction of thrombus from coronary artery .