1. Senior Resident, Department Of Paediatrics, Malla Reddy Medical College For -womenhyderabad, Telangana.
2. Assistant Professor, Department Of Paediatrics, Malla Reddy Medical College For - women-hyderabad, Telangana.
3. Senior Resident, Department Of Paediatrics, Malla Reddy Medical College For- Womenhyderabad, Telangana.
Febrile convulsion (FC) is the most common CNS disorder in childhood. 2-5% of children (or 4.8 out of every 1000) are affected every year. Studies conducted on the effect of iron deficiency on febrile convulsions found in children have yielded completely conflicting results. Iron deficiency has been a risk factor for febrile convulsions in some studies, while in others, it was proved to be protective against febrile seizure as iron deficiency increases the threshold of neuron excitation. Aims: To study the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and febrile convulsion in children to prevent the treatable cause of FC. Objectives: Is to determine the relationship between iron deficiency anemia and febrile seizures and to find out the incidence of anemia in the febrile seizure in males and females. Methods: A Hospital-based observational study carried out at Andhra Mahila Sabha Hospital, Hyderabad, during the period May 2014 to May 2016 involving children aged about 6months to 5 years of age group with typical febrile convulsions meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria. The temperature at admission and nutritional status was recorded, and investigations like hemoglobin, blood indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC), RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width), serum iron, and peripheral smear did for detection of iron deficiency anemia and their relationship with febrile seizure was observed.
Results: Out of 350 children enrolled, 131 (37.4%) were female, and 219 (62.6%) were males. In our study males was slightly more prone to febrile seizure with the ratio of M: F is 1.6:1. There is a significant association of iron deficiency anemia with FC, and there is increased frequency with increased incidence of iron deficiency anemia,(i.e.) seizures tend to repeat itself in the presence of iron deficiency anemia ( with P-value of <0.001, at CI of 95%).
Conclusion: low serum iron levels and the presence of anemia can serve as strengthening factors for febrile seizures in children. Accordingly, children with febrile seizures are suggested to be monitored for the diagnosis and treatment of IDA.