1. MS, MCh CTVS AIIMS, Postdoctoral Fellow ECMO, Postdoctoral fellow CTVS, FACC, FIACS, Global MBA, CPDH IISc, Mentor World Innovation Hub, Chief Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, GIMSR, Gitam University.
2. Medical Student, GIMSR Gitam University, Dr. Sachin Reddy Kasarala, MBBS,GIMSR Gitam University, Dr Nayanika Choudhary T, GIMSR, Gitam University
3. MBBS, GIMSR, Gitam University, Dr Nihas Nazer, MS, MCh CTVS Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology.
4. Mch, Assistant Professor CTVS, TMCH, Dr Arun VIjyakaumar, MD, TMCH
5. MD, CTVS Burjeel UAE
6. MS MCh AIIMS.Director and Professor CTVS TMCH.