
Gottipati Prasanna1,Priscilla David Maria2


1. MDS (Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology), Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

2. MDS (Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology) Professor and Head, M. R. Ambedkar Dental college and hospitals, Rajiv Gandhi university of health sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Background and Objectives: Identication means determination of individuality of a person. Identication is important for legal, humanitarian reasons, in solving criminal cases, problems of inheritance, funeral rites. The estimation of sex is one of the pillars of forensic identication. The tooth organ is the hardest organ in the human body, with a loose connective tissue of dental pulp situated within a rigid encasement of mineralized surrounding tissues. Sex can be determined by the study of X&Y chromosomes in the cells which are not undergoing active division. X chromatin in its inactivated form is present as a mass against the nuclear membrane in females is known as Barr body. Presence or absence of X chromosome can be studied from buccal smears, skin biopsy, blood, cartilage, hair root sheath, and tooth pulp. The present study was undertaken to identify and evaluate the presence of X chromatin in dental pulp as an indicator in gender identity. The study was performed on healthy premolars, from a total of Materials and Methods: 80 subjects inclusive of 40 teeth extracted from males and 40 teeth extracted from females after informed consent. The collected tooth specimens were divided in to two groups. Group I consisted of 20 teeth from males, 20 teeth from females. Group II consisted of 20 teeth from males, 20 teeth from females. Group I premolars were immediately preserved in 10% formalin solution for upto 7 days. Group II premolars were buried in mud at room temperature for 4 months. The dental pulp tissues were conventionally extirpated and stained with hematoxylin & eosin stain. All the blinded sections of the dental pulp were observed for X chromatin/Barr bodies systematically using an Olympus BX53 microscope with a 100x magnication. I Results: n group I, Dental pulp was positive for X chromatin in 100% females for up to 7days with 100% accuracy. In group II, Dental pulp was positive for X chromatin in 45% of females after 4 months with 45% accuracy. The accuracy of identifying X chromatin in dental pulp diminished over a period of time. Dental pulp was negative for X chromatin in teeth of 100% males both at 7days (Group I) & 4 months (Group II). The identication of X chromatin in dental pulp as a gender deter Conclusion: minant can be ascertained with high reliability within 7 days of time. Whereas the reliability of identifying X chromatin in dental pulp as a gender determinant decreased in the course of time. Consequently, we can recommend identication of X chromatin in dental pulp as an indicator in gender identity within a short period of time.


World Wide Journals


Sensory Systems,Ophthalmology,Oral Surgery,General Dentistry,General Medicine,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine,General Medicine,Surgery,Otorhinolaryngology,Otorhinolaryngology,Microbiology (medical),Histology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine,Review and Exam Preparation,General Medicine,Equine

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