1. MD. Asst Prof Pathology, Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, A.P
2. MD. Designated Associate (assistant) Prof, KMC, Kurnool, A.P.
AIM: to study the spectrum of chronic respiratory diseases of lung with reference to age, gender, lifestyle and
occupation. METHODS: The study is done over a period of 5 years (May 2015 to April 2020) in the Department of
Pathology, KMC, Kurnool. Total of 50 lobectomy specimens were Formalin xed, parafn embedded and H & E stained tissue sections were
studied. Special stains were done whenever necessary. Majority of chronic re RESULTS: spiratory diseases occured in the second to fouth
decade with M:F ratio 1.38:1 . On chest x-ray majority of lung lesions affected in lower lobes. Majority of the cases clinically presented with
cough, dyspnea, chestpain and fever. Among the 50 of lobectomies, bronchitectasis commonest followed by tuberculosis. CONCLUSION:
outof 50 lobectomies, bronchiectasis is commonly (52%) seen followed by Tuberculosis (14%), Hydatid cysts (14%), Aspergilloma(10%),
Emphysema (6%), and the least were Lung abscess (4%). In this study, majority were in the younger age group between 21-40 years.
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