Rinki Rinki,Kumar Manoj,Kumar Singha Abhijit,Dalal Satish
Small bowel adenocarcinoma (SBA) is extremely rare. The incidence of SBA is very low as compared to
large bowel adenocarcinoma and it is diagnosed in advanced stages because of lack of specic signs
and symptoms in its presentation. Small bowel adenocarcinoma can also run in families, even if there is no conclusive literature
as is available for large bowel adenocarcinoma. We encountered a rare case of adenocarcinoma of jejunum in a 34years male
which was diagnosed by CECT abdomen. His father also had adenocarcinoma of jejunum 16 years back. A high index of
suspicion is required to make the diagnosis of small bowel adenocarcinoma in suspected cases
History and Philosophy of Science,Pharmaceutical Science,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,History,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Education,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Music,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Cultural Studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,General Medicine,Clinical Psychology,Complementary and Manual Therapy