1. Senior Resident, Deptt of Pediatrics, A.N.M.M.C.H, Gaya, Bihar
2. Associate Professor & HOD, Deptt of Pediatrics, A.N.M.M.C.H, Gaya, Bihar.
BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Dengue illness has become exceedingly common over the last few years globally. Due to their unique
characteristics, incidence as well as mortality is higher in pediatric population as compared to adults. This study was undertaken to study clinical
pattern of dengue fever in children and to identify factors predicting a more severe disease. METHODS: We conducted this hospital based
prospective study at A.N.M.M.C.H, Gaya, Bihar over 2 years from January 2016- December 2017. Children >1 month and <15 years age with fever
≥ 3 days and symptoms suggestive of Dengue infection were included and evaluated for dengue infection by testing for NS1 antigen, IgM and IgG
against Dengue infection. Children were classied into 3 clinical groups: Dengue without warning signs (DWWS), Dengue with warning signs
(DWS) and severe Dengue (SD) as per WHO classication. Clinical and laboratory parameters were compared in the 3 groups. RESULTS: 114
children with Dengue were studied. 62 (54.4%) were males as compared to 52 (45.6%) females. 41 (36%) had DWWS, 53 (46.5%) had DWS and
20 (17.5%) had SD. Mean age was 74.1 months (SD 18.2 months) and mean weight was 21.4 kg (S.D 5.1 kg). Common symptoms were fever
(100%), myalgia (76.6%), chills (62.3%), nausea/ vomiting (63.2%) and rash (53.5%). Common signs were ushed appearance (36.8%), positive
Hess test (27.2%), bleeding manifestation (13.2%) and hypotension (36.8%). Laboratory investigations revealed anaemia (18.4%),
thrombocytopenia (81.6%), Leucopenia (69.3%), elevated transaminase (41.2%), abnormal RFT (5.3%). 27.1% had prolonged aPTT while 21%
had prolonged PT. Nausea/vomiting, bleeding, oliguria, capillary leak and liver enlargement (>2 cm) were signicantly more common in severe
dengue (p<0.05) whereas rash was commoner in non severe dengue. Lab parameters signicantly more common in SD included rising hematocrit,
falling platelets, high urea/creatinine/ALT and hypoalbuminemia & hypocholesterolemia. CONCLUSIONS: DF affects children irrespective of
age. Symptoms more common in SD were nausea/vomiting, bleeding and decreased urine. Signs commoner in SD were features of capillary leak
and hepatomegaly (>2 cm). Rising hematocrit, falling platelets, high urea, creatinine and ALT but hypoalbuminemia and low cholesterol were
found to be statistically signicant laboratory parameters associated with SD.