1. Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, AIMSR.
2. Junior Resident, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, AIMSR
3. Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, AIMSR.
4. Professor & Head, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, AIMSR.
5. Professor & Head, Pediatrics, AIMSR.
INTRODUCTION: The coiling of component blood vessels is one of the most mysterious characteristics of the human
umbilical cord. Umbilical coiling index (UCI) is dened as the total number of coils divided by the total length of the cord
in centimeters. Most of the published studies categorize umbilical cords as hypocoiled, normocoiled and hypercoiled. The presence of
hypocoiling and hypercoiling in cords has been associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. (i) To study association AIM AND OBJECTIVES:
of UCI with perinatal outcome in normal as well as high risk pregnancies like PIH, GDM, eclampsia, previous LSCS and elderly mothers. (ii) To
study association of UCI with mode of delivery, birth weight, Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minutes, meconium staining, intrauterine growth
restriction and neonatal intensive care unit admission. Observational study w METHODS: as carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology and the Department of Pediatrics, AIMSR, Bathinda. Patients were selected consecutively as and when they presented to hospital
applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. Out of 200 cases, normocoiling was seen RESULTS: in 135 patients (67.50%), hypocoiling in 42
patients (21%) and hypercoiling in 23 patients (11.50%). The mean UCI in our study was 0.164 ± 0.135. Hypocoiling is signicantly associated
with preeclampsia, low Apgar score at 1 minute and 5 minute, meconium stained liquor and increased NICU admissions while hypercoiling is
associated with diabetes mellitus, increased LSCS and assisted vaginal deliveries, low Apgar score at 1 minute, meconium stained liquor,
intrauterine growth restriction and increased NICU admissions. Both hypocoiling and hyperc CONCLUSION: oiling has signicant
association with adverse fetal outcome. Therefore, detection of coiling index postnatally or antenatally can identify babies at risk and thus helps
in further management.