1. Senior Resident/Tutor Department of Pathology, J L N medical college Bhagalpur.
2. Assistant Professor & Head Department of Pathology J L N medical college Bhagalpur
3. Professor Department of Pathology J L N medical college Bhagalpur
To determine the role of scrape cytology in the diagnosis of ovarian neoplasm
Material and method
This was a prospective study at jlnmc duration of study was from nov 2019 to march 2020 on 100 solid/solid-cystic ovarian neoplasms sent in 10% buffered formalin, then stained with hematoxylin and eosin or Papanicolaou stains. Cytological results were compared with the histological diagnosis taking the latter as the gold standard.
Among the 100 cases, the standard histopathological diagnosis confirmed 61 as benign, 5 as borderline and 34 as malignant lesion. The diagnostic concordance between cytological and histo pathological study was observed in 97 of the 100 cases. Characteristic cytological pattern was noted in various types of surface epithelial, sex cord stromal and germ cell tumors. The technique had limited value in mucinous tumors to distinguish borderline cases from invasive carcinoma.
IOC is a good complement to histopathology in the study of ovarian neoplasms, particularly in developing countries like ours, where the facility of frozen sections is often not available. Adequate knowledge on cyto-histological correlation of ovarian scrape cytology may phase out the use of cryostat in intraoperative diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms.
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