1. MD, Department of Microbiology, CNMCH, Kolkata
2. PGT3 year, Department of Microbiology, CNMCH, Kolkata.
3. SSKM and IPGMER, Kolkata.
INTRODUCTION: In the world of infectious diseases, a group of bacteria known as ESKAPE pathogens, are responsible for most of the life
threatening multidrug resistant (MDR) and extensively drug resistant (XDR) infections worldwide. The ESKAPE pathogens comprise of
Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter spp.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is isolate and identify Acinetobactor baumannii complex from clinical samples. Measure
the biolm forming capacity of the isolates. Possible association of this biolm strength with the type of clinical sample from which they are
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The samples which were tested in the laboratory were the following: Sputum, End tracheal tube aspirates, Pus,
Urine, Blood for culture, Central venous catheter tips & Cerebrospinal uid. Following culture media were taken: MaCconkey agar & Blood agar.
The colonies suggestive of Acinetobacter baumannii were selected. On MaCconkey agar, non- pigmented NLF colonies with pink to light lavender
hue; and on blood agar, opaque non-hemolytic colonies were obtained. Gram stains from selected colony showed gram negative coccobacilli.
Hanging drop preparation showed non-motile bacteria.
RESULTS AND ANALYSIS: We found maximum number of strong biolm producers were found among the isolates causing infection of CVC
tips (70%). This was closely followed by ETtube isolates (69.5%). The isolates from blood stream, urine, and sputum samples showed all the three
patterns, namely, no biolm producer, moderate biolm producer, and strong biolm producer. Our study showed interestingly, no strong biolm
producer was found from pus samples, whereas from the CSF isolates no non-producer of biolm emerged.
CONCLUSION: This study centers around strength or pattern of biolm formation by this bacteria. It was interesting to nd that there was a
statistically signicant association between patterns of biolm produced by Acinetobacter baumannii and the various samples from which they
are isolated. This made us to hint at a probable relation between biolm patterns and organotropism as an hypothesis. Only further investigations
will tell if it can stand the test of time.