1. Asst. Professor, Department of Social Work, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College, University of Delhi- 110094.
Introduction: Cancer has become one of the major health challenges around the globe. Most of the cancers can be managed appropriately if these
are identied early, which requires knowledge among the general population about the symptoms. Thus it is important to understand the knowledge
and perception of people about the causes and symptoms of cancer. The present study examined knowledge and awareness of youth about the
symptoms of cancer and studied their perception about myths associated with cancer.
Method: A sample of 80 college students was studied using a self developed questionnaire. The participants were invited through college
circulars. The anonymous questionnaire was administered on a prescheduled time followed by an awareness session to the participants. Data was
managed and analysed through MS excel using tabular-graphic representation and descriptive statistics.
Results: The study reported low level of knowledge among the college youth about early symptoms and causes of cancer. Myths about cancer
being infectious, transmitted through casual contact and incurable were revealed among educated youth.
Conclusion: The educated youth are not able to identify the initial symptoms of cancer which may hinder early identication of the disease in
family. The study emphasized the urgent need of information; education and communication campaigns about cancer through educational
institutions so that entire family can be educated about the disease.
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