1. III Year PG in DVL Department, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, karimnagar.
2. Associate Professor In DVL Department, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, karimnagar.
Jessner-Kanof lymphocytic inltrate is a rare benign chronic T cell inltrative disease characterized by
multiple tumid erythematous papules,plaques and nodules predominantly on sun exposed sites like
face, neck and upper back. Etiology of Jessner lymphocytic inltrate is unknown but autoimmunity, Borrelia burgdorferi infection
may have a possible role. There is a case report of Jessner lymphocytic inltrate after third dose of bee venom immunotherapy in
hymenoptera venom anaphylaxis. Here,we report a case of 27 year married female who presented with multiple erythematous
plaques and few nodules on face ,neck and upper back after 2 days of second dose of covishield vaccine. Clinical and
histopathological correlation conrmed the diagnosis of Jessner-Kanof lymphocytic inltrate. Skin biopsy revealed dense
perivascular and periadnexal lymphocytic inltrates in the dermis. Dermatological manifestations with covid vaccines are few
in clinical volunteers but have been increasing since mass vaccination has started. A few side effects like urticaria , erythema
and edema at injection site, pityriasis rosea, covid toes, systemic lupus erythematosus,rheumatoid arthritis have been reported
after covid vaccination.