1. MBBS, MS, MICOG, FMAS, CIMP, FICOG. Director & Senior Consultant, Shri Mahaveer Hospital, Raipur,CG. Assistant Professor, RIMS Medical College, Raipur, CG.
Objective: Assess menopausal symptoms & QOL, Importance of early symptom recognition, knowledge
and importance of each domain of menopausal symptom, their occurrence and relation with sociodemographic variables. Materials and Methods: Hospital-based descriptive study at Outpatient and Inpatient Department of
Gynecology at Shri Mahaveer Hospital, Raipur, CG with 140 postmenopausal women (PM), from March 1-June 30, 2020, using
simple random sampling & structured Menopause-specic QOL (MENQOL) questionnaire.
Ÿ Socio-demographic - 9(6.4%) premature menopause, 113 (80.715%) natural menopause, 134 (95.71%) married, 126 (90%)
housewives, 112(80%) literate. 109 (77.86%) had no co morbidities.
Ÿ Mean age menopause: - natural 43.88 + 5.01, surgical 40 + 7.73 yrs.
Ÿ Prevalence of classical menopausal symptoms- hot ushes 64.29% and vaginal dryness 50%, highest in 46-50 age group
(17.14%, 12.14%) followed by 51-55yrs (15%, 10%).
Ÿ MENQOL mean total score = 67.51 + 17.88, highest score 104. Mean physical symptom score 38.81+11.25 (95% CI 36.94,
40.66) was highest followed by psychosocial 16.21+5.12 (15.36, 17.06), vasomotor 6.81+2.91 (6.33, 7.29) and least for sexual
symptoms 5.94+3.19(5.38, 6.44).
Ÿ Associations between QOL scores with educational , socioeconomic & marital status were statistically signicant with P <
Conclusion: Postmenopause-related physical symptoms are frequently reported by middle age group. By nursing education,
creating appropriate awareness and health education on management of postmenopausal symptoms to that age group could
help in reducing burden of healthcare