1. Associate Professor Deptt. of Biochemistry GMCH,
2. Assistant Professor Deptt. of Biochemistry GMCH.
3. PGTstudent Deptt. of Psychiatry, GMCH
Introduction: A notable feature of patients suffering from mental disorders is the severity of deficiency in the nutrients in diets especially essential vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. Iron is a vital nutrient that plays a role in every cell of the body, the deficiency of which will cause depression besides lack of energy, dizziness, light headedness and pale skin.
Aim: The study is aimed to estimate serum iron and Ferritin in adolescent depression cases and to evaluate their role in adolescent depression.
Method material: Patients in the age group of 13 – 19 years, suffering from depression, and attending Psychiatry OPD of Gauhati Medical College are taken as cases. Controls are healthy individuals in the same age group. Samples are collected and serum iron and ferritin are estimated and compared between the two groups. Data are analyzed with the help of Minitab-19 and in MS-excel.
Results: Both serum iron and ferritin are decreased significantly in group containing adolescent with depression. Both are highly significant P<0.001 with ‘t’ values 14.42 and 13.11 respectively.
Conclusion: This Study gives us an idea that while investigating a case of adolescent depression, emphasis must be given to the nutritive status (iron and ferritin) of the individual also.
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