INTRODUCTION: Anaesthesia in morbidly obese patients can present many challenges. The overriding concern of
most anaesthesiologists is airway management, as obese patients have been thought to be at greater risk of difcult
airway and/or difcult intubation, when compared with the general population.
The term 'difcult airway' has been dened by the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) taskforce as the clinical situation in which a
conventionally trained anaesthesiologist experiences problems with mask ventilation or tracheal intubation or both.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES- To assess the positive predictive value,sensitivity and specicity of MMPC, NC along with ULBT and compare it
with Cormack Lehane grading intraoperatively.
MATERIALS AND METHOD- Preoperative airway assessment of 200 patients posted for surgery under general anaesthesia was carried out
to evaluate the usefulness of multiple screening tests in predicting the ease or difculty of laryngoscopy in obese patients undergoing
laparoscopic bariatric surgery.
Modied Mallampati test grade III or IV, Upper Lip Bite test grade III, Neck Circumference >40cm were considered as predictors of difcult
Laryngoscopy was considered difcult if the view on laryngoscopy was Cormack and Lehane grade III or IV. The results were evaluated on the
basis of sensitivity, specicity, positive and negative predictive value and accuracy of these tests.
RESULT- Group A (ULBT+MMPC) identied 65% of the patients with difcult intubation (sensitivity of 92.86 % & specicity of 33.3 %),
whereas Group B (ULBT+NC) identied 75% of the patients with difcult airway (sensitivity 93.75% & specicity of 25%). Pearson
Correlation analysis was applied to know the correlation between the various tests and the Cormack Lehane Classication, both the groups had p
value of 0.001 , which was highly signicant.
CONCLUSION-When multiple predictors are taken into consideration there was a considerable reduction in false negatives with signicant
improvement in accuracy of test and hence prediction of difcult laryngoscopy was made easy. Application of multiple predictors in
combination can reduce the frequency of unanticipated difculty and unnecessary interventions related to over prediction of airway difculty.