1. Linthoingambi
2. Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Command Hospital (EC) Kolkata
BACKGROUND: This study was an analysis done to ascertain the efciency of the code blue system in a tertiary care hospital. All patients on
whom a 'Code Blue' has been called in Command Hospital (Eastern Command) Kolkata from January 2017 to July 2018 were analysed using the
standardised Code Blue audit form, maintained by the Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care and lled in soon after the Code Blue
protocol is run. The primary objective was to analyse the factors associated with survival as well as survival rate along with the issues faced by the
Code Blue team.METHODS: Data was collected as per the Code Blue audit form and analysed RESULTS: SPSS software version 22 was used.
Pearson Chi Square Test and Cox Regression analysis were used to analyse the data. Atotal of 446 code blue calls were initiated during the period.
After excluding 40 False calls and 08 Administrative calls, 398 calls were studied and analysed. Overall survival discharge from ICU was 23.37%.
But when patients who had a cardiac arrest at the time of code blue were considered, the survival rate dropped to 5.9%. Factors such as Age,
Presenting Rhythm and Duration of CPR were found to have signicant effect on overall survival. Four types of problems were faced during the
study – technical, equipment related, crash cart related and staff on duty.CONCLUSION: The study concludes that the code blue system and team
is useful in managing patients with a cardiac arrest as well as other medical emergencies. However, there are many lacunae that need to be
addressed and more studies are required.
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