1. Consultant Radiologist Department of Radiodiagnosis Jindal Sanjeevani Multispeciality Hospital, Toranagallu, Ballari.
2. Consultant Radiologist Department of Radiodiagnosis Jindal Sanjeevani Multispeciality Hospital, Toranagallu, Ballari. Karnataka, India.
3. Consultant Radiologist, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Tera Hi Tera Mission Hospital, Chandigarh.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the utility of types of periosteal reactions on radiography in distinguishing between nonaggressive (usually benign) and aggressive (usually malignant) osseous neoplasms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Current study is a retrospective study. Review of X-rays of 52 bone lesions were done. Type of periosteal reaction was assessed in radiograph of each bone lesion and was categorised as either non-aggressive or aggressive with further subcategorization into further types. Type of periosteal reaction (Aggressive v/s Nonaggressive) was correlated with histopathological diagnosis. RESULTS: Of 52 osseous lesions, there were 22 benign bone lesions and 30 malignant bone lesions. 17 of 22 (77%) benign osseous lesions showed Nonaggressive periosteal reaction and 1 of 22 (5%) showed aggressive periosteal reaction. 4 of 22 (18%) benign osseous lesions did not show any periosteal reaction. 28 of 30 (93%) malignant lesions showed aggressive periosteal reaction and 2 of 30 (7%) malignant osseous lesions showed nonaggressive periosteal reaction. CONCLUSIONS: Types of periosteal reactions (Aggressive and Nonaggressive) correlate with risk of malignancy. Lesions with nonaggressive type of periosteal reaction are usually benign and lesions with aggressive type of periosteal reaction are usually malignant.
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