1. Post Graduate
2. Professor
3. Professor And Head Of Department
The failures in xed partial denture are conditions that occur during or after appropriately performed xed prosthodontics treatment procedures.
failures in xed prostho-dontics can be divided into biological, mechanical and esthetic factors of varied age group. The present study was
conducted to assess biological, mechanical, and esthetic failure factors among xed partial dentures (FPDs). A cross-sectional study was conducted
among patients who reported to the Department of Prosthodontics, Rajarajeswari dental college and hospital , bengaluru, Karnataka, India who had
complain regarding failures in xed partial denture A total of 100 xed partial denture failures in subjects were assessed. The xed partial denture
was examined for the failure factors (biological, mechanical, and esthetic). Each patient was examined clinically and questionnaires were provided
to examiner in concern with failures of xed partial denture.The result showed out of 100 xed partial denture failures, 27% of it showed the
biological failure, 39% showed the mechanical failure and 34% showed esthetic failure. The most frequent reason for failure was mechanical
factors followed by biological,esthetic failure and biologic failure.The occlusal problem was the most common biological failure factor, the loss of
retention was the most common cause of mechanical failure factor and the over contoured was accounted more when compared to other esthetic
failure factors. By knowing the type of failures, we can plan a proper treatment plan so that the abutment will have a longClinical significance:
time prognosis.