1. RMO Cum Clinical Tutor, Department of General Medicine, N.R.S.M.C.H. , Kolkata
2. Young Scientist, IPGMER And SSKM Hospital, Kolkata
INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of thrombocytopenia varies according to a number of factors, like patient population and severity of
underlying liver disease.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To determine prevalence of thrombocytopenia in CLD patients and correlation of platelet count with child and pugh
MATERIALAND METHOD: General Medicine ward and OPD of N.R.S.M.C.H. , Kolkata, All patients admitted with CLD in Medicine ward
and those attending OPD of N.R.S.M.C.H. , Kolkata, One year, 101 (one hundred and one)
CONCLUSION: We found that mean Platelet count was low in Severe Thrombocytopenia which was statistically signicant.