1. Senior Resident (Pathology Department) IGIMS, Patna.
2. Senior resident (Gastrosurgery Department)IGIMS,Patna.
Introduction :- Cytological examination of serous effusions is of paramount importance not only for
diagnosing cancer, but it may also reveal information regarding various inammatory conditions,
parasitic infestations, infection with bacteria, fungi or viruses, and some immunological diseases. Cellblock technique has
many advantages over conventional smear cytology in improving the sensitivity of diagnosis. The main advantages of the
cellblock technique are preserving tissue architecture and obtaining multiple sections from the same material for special stains
and immunohistochemistry.
Objectives :- To study the body uids, i.e., pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial, for the absence of local or systemic pathological
situation. To evaluate the diagnostic efcacy of a combined approach of conventional smear study and cellblock technique in
serous effusions.
Methods:- A total of 100 uid samples from referral centers received in the Cytology section, After preparing two conventional
smears for PAP and Giemsa stains, the residual sample was subjected to cellblock preparation. Nathan's Alcohol Formalin
Substitute was added and xed for an hour. After xation, the specimen was centrifuged at 1500 rpm for 15min.The supernatant
was decanted, and the sediment completely drained off by XIinverting tube over Whatman lter paper. After discarding the
supernatant xative, the pellet formed was removed with a pointed spatula and placed on top of the lens paper inside the tissue
cassette, and processed for parafn embedding.
Results:- In the total of 100 samples were subjected for cytological evaluation. Pleural uids were 47%, peritoneal uids were
43%, and pericardial uids were 10%. Maximum samples were in age group of 41-50 years. By Conventional smear cytology,
benign, suspicious and malignant lesions were 76%, 14.5%, and 9.5%, respectively. By cellblock study, benign and malignant
lesions were 75.5% and 24.5%, respectively.
Conclusion:- Morphological features were better appreciated by cellblock composition, which risen the sensitivity of cyst
diagnosis hence serves as a useful adjunct to conventional smears.