1. Professor & Head, Department Of Oral Pathology Government Dental College, Raipur
2. Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral Pathology Government Dental College, Raipur.
Dental Anthropology is a scientic discipline, which deals with studies of sexual dimorphism,
paleodemography, oral evolutionary trends, paleodiet, biodistance and paleopathology through the
analysis & comparison of the dentition of extinct and modern human populations by the study of Non-metric morphological
variations (dental morphological features) and metric morphological trends of the dentition of human populations over time
(prehistoric and modern) and space impact (ie.ethnic inuences) on them along-with their relation to the processes of
adaptation and diet changes that contributed to the evolution of the current dental system and thereby the human race.(1,3,5)
Teeth exhibit a wide array of variables, ranging from those largely controlled by genes to those largely dictated by environment.
Anthropological questions focusing on teeth therefore, include issues of population origins and population relationships using
information on (tooth morphology, size, number), diet and behavior (attrition, crown chipping, tooth-tool use), health (caries,
abscesses, periodontal disease, calculus), and developmental stress (hypoplasia, asymmetry).Traits showing a wider
distribution and higher frequency suggest a more ancient origin. (7)
Apart from classical methods in this eld, many innovative techniques such as extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA), trace element
and stable isotope analyses methods are used . Also, the analysis of development of microwear and confocal analyses of
occlusal surfaces of teeth is done for documenting tooth use and masticatory function. Dental anthropologists and forensic
odontologists can thus, together decipher problems associated with craniofacial identication & can also collaborate in
museum model reconstructions out of skull bones for Forensic Facial Approximation.