1. Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Medical & Health Sciences, Dehradun, India. (Department of Anatomy
Background and Objectives: Anthropometry in forensic areas is a very important division of human medical anatomy. Ethical issues are avoided
and no use of any invasive methods in this study. 1) To study the distance betwee Objectives: n Rhenion and Zygion in the Jaunsari and Garhwali
ethnic groups of the Uttarakhand region of India.; 2) To analyze the gender difference in facial parameters of the Jaunsari and Garhwali Tribe if any;
3) and statistical signicance of the difference in the facial parameters of the Jaunsari and Garhwali Tribe if any. The main Aim is to study facial
anthropometric parameters in adult Jaunsari and Garhwali Tribe of District Dehradun, Uttarakhand. This study has been Materials and Methods:
carried out in the department of Anatomy, SGRRIMS & HS, ddn, 2021-2022. During this period, 200 subjects i;e- 100 males and 100 females in
both ethnic groups, were born and brought up in the Uttarakhand region basically, aged 21 years and above up to 35 years young subjects taken up.
Longitude 78.017198°, Lattitude 30.302821°, 437, Chamanpuri, Niranjanpur, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001, India. The methodology adopted
for the anthropometric measurements was of Singh and Bhasin (1968) and the concerned measurements were done. Statistical data were Result:
obtained, observed and analyzed. It provided valuable data for the community for future use. There were signicant variations in all the measured
facial parameters distance between Rhenion and Zygion in the male and female populations of the Jaunsari and Garhwali Tribe. The differences in
means of facial indices between the two races were statistically weak and nonsignicant (< 0.005). The mean values of facial indices found in the
study were 63.70±11.05 in Garhwali females and 77.97±20.47 in Garhwali males. In this Discussion and Conclusion: study, the p-value is 8.08 in
Jaunsari females and 2.25 in Jaunsari males; in the case of both males & females the p-value indicates that the result is statistically nonsignicant.
On the other hand p- the value is 3.02 in Garhwali females and 7.15 in Garhwali males. In all cases, the p-value indicates that the result is again not
statistically signicant. So, we conclude that majority of all genders Conclusion: of Garhwali and Jaunsari ethnic groups; there is not any more
difference in their facial indices distance between rhenion and zygion. The result of our study has conrmed that there was sexual dimorphism of
facial parameter distance between Rhenion and Zygion. There were no signicant differences in facial parameters distance between Rhenion and
Zygion amongst the male and female populations of the Jaunsari and Garhwali Tribe
General Medicine,Psychiatry and Mental health,Nutrition and Dietetics,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine,Family Practice,Psychiatry and Mental health,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine,General Medicine,General Medicine,Care Planning,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Animal Science and Zoology,Nature and Landscape Conservation,Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
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