1. Senior Resident, Department of Hospital administration, AIIMS, Mangalagiri.
2. Chief executive ofcer, Muslim maternity & Children’s Hospital.
3. IMO grade-1, ESIC
Background: The Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) is a service unit of the hospital responsible for providing
guaranteed sterile equipment/ instruments to all the departments of hospital for immediate use in patients care. Method:
During a 4-month period, in CSSD which caters two number of operation theatres and a 6 bedded Intensive care unit, a central laboratory and a
blood bank a study was done, we used PDCA approach to PLAN i.e., identify and analyze the problem, within CSSD and to “DO” i.e.,
implement changes in CSSD from the inputs given by all the stakeholders involved viz. CSSD technicians, staff, nursing ofcers and the
consultants. Subsequently PDCA approach was used to identify and analyze the problem, viable solutions were incorporated. Results : To
identify the problem process mapping and interactive sessions with the staff and it was identied that the main problem was inadequate quality in
the CSSD services. Our analysis also extracted that the Standard operating procedures were documented related to CSDD were found to be
inadequate with regard to the machine maintenance, staff training. The “Do” stage is where we checked for possible solutions or changes. By
carrying out a detailed process mapping of the CSSD work ow, an action was taken based on what was learned in the study and to incorporate
what we have learned from the test into wider changes, to plan new improvements and start the cycle. Conclusions : The interesting application
of PDCA cycle to improve Kaizen and the results achieved reinforces the usefulness of the Kaizen tools to improve business excellence. Using
the same facilities, it was possible for efcient space utilization, better improvement in Knowledge of the manpower, identied few gaps in the
material procurement and developed standard operating procedures to be followed which are on par to the national and international infection
control guidelines which resulted in better working conditions and efcient output from the central sterile supply department.
Reference3 articles.
3. Abdulmouti, Hassan. (2018). Benefits of Kaizen to Business Excellence: Evidence from a Case Study. Industrial Engineering & Management. 07. 10.4172/2169-0316.1000251