1. Assistant Professor, GOVT. Medical College -Siddipet, Siddipet.
2. Professor GOVT Medical college, siddipet.
Introduction – FNAC has become increasingly popular in diagnosis of palpable breast masses. As it is sensitive, specific, economical and safe for screening of breast lesions
Aims and objectives – to determine the histopathologic correlation of FNAC of breast lumps seen in department of pathology, Govt medical college, siddipet.
Methods – 2 yrs. retrospective study if breast lumps , with all patients who had FNAC, with subsequent histopathological confirmation over the period July 2018 –July 2020.
A total 232 cases included in which 187 cases are subjected to excision biopsy or mastectomy
Results –2 yrs. under review (2018-2020) a total of 232 FNAC of breast lump were done. 197 (84.9%) benign cases, 13(11.6%) malignant cases, 8 (3.5%) inflammatory cases were diagnosed cytologically in which 98(42.24%) cases are fibro adenoma, 27(11.6%) are malignant cases and suspicious of malignancy, 26(11.2%) of gynecomastia, 23(9.91%) of fibrocystic disease with female predominance of 8:1 ratio (206:26). Age ranging from 9 yrs. – 85 yrs. with mean age of 47yrs ± 14.2 yrs.
Conclusion – we therefore concluded that FNAC is a reliable diagnostic tool of breast lump in our hospital. FNAC guides the surgeons for further plan of management.
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