1. Post Graduate Resident, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Malla Reddy Institute Of Dental Sciences.
2. Professor & Head, Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Malla Reddy institute of dental sciences.
The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour (CEOT), also known as Pindborg's tumour. It is a rare
benign neoplasm of locally aggressive behaviour originating from stratum intermedium. CEOT
accounts for approximately 0.4 – 3 % of all the odontogenic tumours' most frequent location is mandibular premolar and molar
area; less frequently, in the maxilla, typically formed in the fourth to fth decades. It usually presents as a slow growing, rm,
painless mass and it shares many features with ameloblastoma. Due to a fairly common tendency of recurrence, estimated to
be approximately 14 %, the preferred choice of treatment is radical surgical procedure and postoperative follow up .
This case report presents the clinical, radiological ndings, histopathology, and surgical treatment of the patient with
pindborg tumour were presented. The report is supplemented by a review of literature.