1. Resident, Department of General Medicine, MM Institute of Medical Sciences and Research.
SGLT2 inhibitors are a new class of drugs for lowering blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. They have
been shown to reduce cardiovascular risk along with improving glycemic control. Some of the SGLT2
inhibitors are Canagliozin, Dapagliozin, Empagliozin, Ertugliozin, Remogliozin. We are presenting a case of a 60-yearold female patient who is a known case of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus presented to the emergency room with loss of responsiveness
for 1 day gradual in onset. Her history revealed she is type 2 diabetic for the past 10yrs and was hospitalized 20days back when
her RBS was 889mg/dl & urine ketones were positive with a diagnosis of type 2 DM with DKA. since then, she was put on Tab
Dapagliozin 10mg OD along with other OHA's. On presentation, the patient was unconscious GCS-E1, V2, M2-5/15, pulse3
100/min, BP-80mm of hg systolic, glucometer RBS-211 mg/dl, ABG showed severe metabolic acidosis pH-6.86, HCO -2.9mmol/L,
PCO -24mm hg, PaO2-58mm hg, urine ketones came positive, and the patient was managed conservatively. The patient
responded well, and her GCS improved with stabilization in her condition. Dapagliozin and other SGLT2 inhibitors can cause
Euglycemic DKA, and these can be missed out in the emergency room as they have not so high blood sugar levels making the
diagnosis of DKA difcult in emergency conditions.