1. Professor & HOD, Department Of Pathology, Index medical college hospital & Research Centre, Indore – 452016, India.
2. (Resident) Department Of Pathology, Department Of Pathology, Index medical college hospital & Research centre,Indore –452016
Background: Breast tissue is a modied sweat gland. Breast lesions present with variety of pathological lesions, ranging from inammatory,
non- inammatory, non- neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Breast carcinoma is multifaceted disease comprised of distinct biological subtypes
spectrum of clinicopathological, molecular features and different therapeutic and prognostic implications. The present study was designed to
evaluate the frequency, age, gender and histopathological features of breast lesions in a tertiary care hospital.
Material and Method: The study was conducted in department of pathology, Index medical college hospital & Research centre,Indore. We
retrieved breast specimen received in histopathology department over a period of 24 months from June 2018 to June 2020. A total of 106 cases of
breast lesions were included in the study.
Results: Out of a total of 106 cases of breast lesions, most common lesions were benign 56 (52.83%) with mean age 30.15 years, followed by
malignant 50(47.16%) with mean age 48.16 years . The overall mean age of patients was 40.46 years, with a wide age of 11–88 years. Overall the
most commonly reported lesion was broadenoma 35 (33.01%) cases, followed by inltrating duct carcinoma 50 (47.16%) cases, mastitis 3(2.8%)
cases, Galactocele 3(2.8%) cases. The maximum cases of malignancy were seen in age group more than 40 years of age of life. Most common
malignant lesion was inltrating duct carcinoma.
Conclusion: The breast lesions pattern revealed by the present study provides valuable information regarding clinicopathological prole of breast
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