1. General Practitioner / Ecuador
2. Medical Audit Health Center B- San Miguel de Bolivar/Ecuador
3. Resident Physician Hospital Integral Antention Older Adult/Ecuador
4. General Medical Center Specialties VitalMedic/Ecuador
SUMMARY: In December 2019, a new subspecies of coronavirus was identied in China, which they
called SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the subsequent disease that the WHO called COVID-19. The disease
has spread rapidly causing a global pandemic. Much is still unknown about SARS-CoV-2, but early research supports the
hypothesis that the severity of Covid-19 is conditioned by the hyperinammatory response that occurs in our body when in
contact with SARS-CoV-2. The severity of the condition is related to the respiratory failure it causes, however, there are studies
that do not limit pulmonary involvement. Research indicates that the access mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 to the body is closely
related to the ACE2 enzyme. An enzyme that, among other tissues, can be found in the epithelium of renal tubular cells. This is
the reason why there are data from patients with Covid-19 that have a great effect on kidney function. It is for this reason that this
clinical case of renal lymphagectasia is presented. Renal lymphagectasia is a rare entity of renal lymphatics that occurs in both
children and adults, it can be unilateral or bilateral and has no sex predilection. It is characterized because there is dilation of
the lymphatic ducts, generating cavities occupied by a liquid content corresponding to lymph. Its most frequent locations are
the neck (70%) and the armpit (20%). Renal lymphangiectasia (RFL) is of very low frequency and can be confused with other
cystic pathologies of the kidney. RFL has been described by various names such as: renal lymphangioma, peri-pelvic
lymphangiectasia, polycystic renal sinus disease, renal hygroma, and multicystic perippelvic renal lymphangiectasia. It is
believed to occur due to an alteration in the communication between the renal lymphatic ducts and the retroperitoneal
lymphatics. We report the case of an elderly patient with Covid-19 infection, and LFR, in which this alteration was discovered
incidentally in the study of abdominal pain associated with microscopic hematuria. OBJECTIVE: Describe bilateral renal
lymphangiectasia associated with covid-19 infection. DESIGN: Prospective, observational in a single center. METHODOLOGY:
This is a systematic review of bilateral renal lymphangiectasia in a patient affected by the new coronavirus (Covid-19);
emphasizing its clinical characteristics and its short-term complications. The information and images obtained belong to the
medical staff in charge of the case, whose reinforcements are provided by the Excel, Word and JPG statistical package.