1. Department of Microbiology , Agartala Government medical college and GB Pant Hospital, Tripura, India
2. Department of Microbiology , Agartala Government medical college and GB Pant Hospital, Tripura, India.
Background: Generally, gram-negative bacteria are the most common uropathogenic bacteria causing
UTI, as per recent ndings gram-positive bacteria also equally responsible for the UTI. As they have a
plethora of pathogenic virulence factors that are highly responsible to give rise to severe UTI infection. Moreover, a betalactamase-producing gram-positive organism such as Staphylococcus aureus is often associated with high resistance to a
wide class of antibiotics. There are few studies regarding the UTI infection-causing by the multi-drug resistant strain of Staph
aureus called MRSA in Tripura Northeast India. This study aimed to determine the proportion of MRSA causing UTI in Tertiary
care hospitals at Agartala Tripura.
Materials and method – Mid-stream urine specimens were collected from patients suspected to be having UTI. Well, the mixed
sample of urine was inoculated on specic culture media and all the isolates were identied as staphylococci by Gram
staining, catalase test, coagulase test, and other biochemical reactions required for the identication of S.aureus and as per
the CLSI guidelines we have studied the antibiogram of S.aureus and we have detected the MRSA by cefoxitin disc diffusion
Result: in our present study 650 midstream urine samples were collected and processed. Out of the total 650 urine samples
91(14%) yielded growth on culture media and out of the 91 positive cases Staphylococcus aureus infected UTI cases were
12(13%) and among the 12 S.aureus positive isolates 6(50%) isolates were MSSA and other 6(50%) isolates were MRSA. Here in
our study vancomycin(100%), doxycycline(83%), Nitrofurantoin(100%), Linezolid(83%) found to be very effective drugs for the
treatment of MRSA, and most importantly here in this region of northeast only 6.5% of the total UTI patients affected by the
MRSA which means the ratio of UTI infection by MRSA is low in this region.
CONCLUSION: This study will be useful to update the policy of the empirical drugs in our hospital and at the same time, it will
also help to control the unnecessary use of antibiotics to treat UTI patients