The Visual Language of Consumerism in Contemporary Artworks


Wicaksono Singgih Prio,Juwariyah Anik


Bahasa Visual Konsumerisme dalam Karya Seni Kontemporer. Artikel ini mendeskripsikan wacana konsumerisme ketika dibahasakan secara visual dalam karya kontemporer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendekatan visualnya, gaya ungkapannya, serta social effect dari karya-karya tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan obyek kajian empat karya kontemporer dunia yang sangat terkenal, “Campbell’s Soup Cans” karya Andi warhol, “Jesus Christ with Shopping Bags” kaya Banksy, “I Shop Therefore I Am” karya Barbara Kruger, “Super Supper” karya Ron English. Berdasarkan analisis terhadap empat karya tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kecenderungan visual pada karya-karya tersebut adalah: (1) memiliki karakteristik visual bergaya Pop Art dengan penggunaan simbol-simbol budaya populer, (2) sarat akan unsur jenaka, satir dan sarkastik, (3) menimbulkan persoalan etis dan estetis.Kata kunci: bahasa visual; konsumerisme; seni kontemporerABSTRACTThis article describes how consumerism discourse is visualized in contemporary works with the aim to find out how the visual approach, how the style of expression, as well as the social effects of these works. Using a descriptive approach with the object of study of four world famous contemporary works, “Campbell’s Soup Cans” by Andi warhol, “Jesus Christ with Shopping Bags” rich in Banksy, “I Shop Therefore I Am” by Barbara Kruger, “Super Supper” by Ron English. Based on the analysis of the four works, it can be concluded that the visual tendencies in these works are: (1) having visual characteristics of Pop Art style with the use of symbols of popular culture, (2) full of humorous, satirical and sarcastic elements, (3) giving rise to ethical and aesthetic issues.Keywords: visual language; consumerism; contemporary art


Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

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1. Visual Language: A Literature Review for Bridging Linguistics and Visual Communication Design;Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Progressive Education 2022 (ICOPE 2022);2023







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