Within the scope of this study, the most important cultural codes that will better introduce and remind the Turks living in the Republic of North Macedonia in Turkey have been tried to be determined. For this purpose, a field study was conducted for the Turks living in North Macedonia. In the field research carried out within the scope of the post-doctoral research fellowship carried out within the scope of the support given by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK), interviews were conducted with the Turks living in the region. Approval for these interviews was obtained from the International Vision University Research and Publication Ethics Committee in line with the decision dated 24.10.2020. Survey questions were prepared in line with the data obtained from these interviews. The content of the survey questions is to determine which movies, TV series, artists, folk songs, dishes, desserts, athletes, events and people can represent the Turks living in North Macedonia. A total of 11 questions were prepared. The answer choices that are considered important are included in each question. There is no limitation in the choices. The prepared questions were asked to 11 people and their answers were briefly evaluated. With the answers given to these questions, it was tried to determine with which elements the Turks living in Macedonia should be introduced. Thus, a draft was created about the cultural codes of the Turks living in the region.
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