Integrative approach, 4-factor questionnaire of personality self-destruction, and its psychometric features Report 2. 4-factor questionnaire of personality self-destruction and its psychometric features


Dorfman Leonid12,Kurochkin Evgeniy2


1. Perm State Institute of Culture

2. Perm military Institute of National Guard Troops


A self-destruction questionnaire (SDQ) is developed on the basis of the integrative approach to personality self-destruction (localization and unification). There are 4 domains and, accordingly, 4 scales of SDQ in the process of self-destruction of a healthy personality: dissatisfaction with oneself, authoritativeness, intolerance, and detachment. The SDQ consists of 42 points, 10 points per scale, 2 points belonging to the deception scale. The SDQ scales had a normal distribution in asymmetry and excess. The study included two samples. The first (main) sample consisted of 78 participants, average age 35.19 years, 32 men and 46 women, school and university teachers, social workers ("educators"). The second sample consisted of 107 participants, the average age 32.08 years, 89 men and 18 women, divisional inspectors, operational detectives, traffic police officers, juvenile departments employees. The author came to the following results. The SDQ scales had a sufficient degree of reliability. They had internal structural validity and external validity. The SDQ scales in total characterized the personality self-destruction in general.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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