Conceptual and cognitive field of prevention of deviant behavior in departmental universities


Mescheryakova Elena1


1. Russian Air Force Military Educational and Scientific Center «Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin»


The actual problem of preventing departmental university graduates’ deviant behavior, whose professional activity is particularly important for society and the state, is analyzed in the aspect of cadets’ valuable and meaningful dominants formation in the process of moral education, aimed at their professional identity development and professional marginalisation prevention. The research problem relevance is determined by need to resolve conflicts continued in modern conditions of anomie, especially for professional communities of servicemen and law enforcement agencies. In addition, the importance of the research problem is explained by the fact that many aspects are not elaborated in national psychological and pedagogical research. In order to prevent deviant behavior in the educational process of departmental institutions, the author proposes the pedagogical technology of formation of valuable and meaningful dominants, which is implemented in cadets’ moral education and ensures their professional identity development and prevention of its antipode – professional marginalization. The article presents refined concepts of “professional identity”, “professional marginalization”. Moral education characteristic, implemented in line with cadets’ personal development in departmental institutions’ educational process is given. Pedagogical technology of education content and structure, methodological approaches to its development are described. On the basis of conducted research, directions for further development of studied problem are proposed: holistic concept substantiation of cadets’ moral education in line with the formation of valuable and meaningful dominants of departmental institutions graduates’ professional activity; identification and testing of pedagogical conditions that ensure prevention of deviant behavior; methodological support development for pedagogical technology implementation, taking into account the latest pedagogical science and practice achievements; selection of methods and tools for diagnosing the formation of valuable and meaningful dominants of cadets and assessing the dynamics of their professional identity formation at various stages of pedagogical technology of education implementation.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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