1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
Introduction. The relevance of the research problem is confirmed by statistics on juvenile delinquency, as well as by legal acts. The problem of predicting the deviant behavior of juvenile offenders is reviewed through description of static and dynamic risk factors for repeated offenses. One of the findings of the study is that it is the personal features that determine deviant behavior, whereas the situational factors play the role of modulators.
A review of the literature sources allows us to conclude that personality traits are related to criminal behavior, which makes it possible to predict the deviant behavior of juvenile offenders.
Aim of the study is to identify the personal characteristics that determine the deviant behavior of juvenile offenders.
Methodology, methods and techniques. The methodological basis of the research is a dispositional approach to the study of personality, which assumes their readiness for a certain behavior, repeated in various situations, formed as a result of the interaction of objective and subjective factors.
Research methods: The following methods were used to conduct the study: the personal questionnaire of G. Eysenck EPQ; the questionnaire of the level of aggressiveness of A. Bass and A. Darkee; the individual typological questionnaire of L. N. Sobchik (ITQ); the personal questionnaire «Mini-cartoon» (abbreviated version of MMPI) in the adaptation of F. B. Berezin and M. P. Miroshnikov; the Freiburg multifactorial personality questionnaire FPI (form B).
Findings of the study: A comparative analysis of the individual psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders and participants of the control group with normative behavior showed multiple statistically significant differences in assessments for 36 variables out of 55 (65.5 %). Discriminant analysis allowed us to determine 8 common features of “deviance-law-abidance”: aggression, hostility, irritability, guilt, psychopathy, neuroticism, introversion, open attitude.
They act as prognostic criteria for deviant behavior of adolescents and discriminate against subjects with a prediction accuracy of 97%.
Scientific novelty of the research consists in enhancing and clarifying awareness of personality traits of deviant adolescents who have committed crimes, as well as predicting deviant behavior.
Practical significance: The patterns and recommendations obtained can be useful in preventive, educational, correctional work, and family counseling. The identified personality traits of deviant behavior can be used as prognostic criteria for identifying deviations at the early stages of socialization of children and adolescents.
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation