Adolescent to parent violence as a form of family (domestic) violence: the issue of expanding the object of state-legal protection of the individual in the family


Ravnyushkin Aleksandr1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


The article examines the issues of adolescent to parents violence as a separate form of family (domestic) violence, substantiates the problematic nature of this unlawful phenomenon on the basis of analysis and generalization of the results of scientific research of Russian and foreign scientists, including their sociological and other data obtained. The relevance of the work is expressed in the fact that adolescent family violence, as a negative phenomenon, leads to harmful consequences that threaten the development of other family members and society as a whole on the basis of high moral ideals and a strong family. The aim of the work is to study and determine the degree of public and scientific recognition of the problem of adolescent to parent violence as such in legal and other aspects, to identify it as a separate form of family (domestic) violence, to establish its special features and to adjust the conceptual apparatus for its inclusion in legal and scientific circulation. The author applied a dialectical approach to the scientific knowledge of social relations related to the acts of violence committed by children (adolescents) against parents, a method of analyzing and generalizing scientific research results, a comparative legal method. The results of the study confirm a hypothesis that there is a phenomenon of adolescent violence against parents (mother), its recognition as a separate form of family violence based on the identified special features, the development of author’s formulations of concepts in the relevant field, as well as the proposal of an expanded understanding of the object of state-legal protection of individual rights from domestic (family) violence, depending on the type of perpetrator. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that in the Russian Federation the phenomenon of the acts of violence committed by minors (adolescents) in the family has not been considered as a separate form of domestic (family) violence. Based on the obtained generalized results of the study, the author presented the adjusted formulations of the concepts of family violence and domestic abuse to include them in the legal and scientific circulation, which gave the work practical significance.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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