Prevention of deviant behavior in a general education school: challenges and mistakes


Knizhnikova Svetlana1ORCID


1. Kuban State University


Deviant behavior is the area of research of many sciences; pedagogy is primarily focused on opportunities and resources for its early prevention. One of the actual issues of preventive pedagogy is the analysis of the challenges and mistakes that teachers face with in the process of preventing deviant behavior. The aim of the research: institutional, descriptive-analytical and concretising presentation of scientific data on the main challenges and mistakes made by teachers when preventing deviant behavior among children and young people in a general education school. The main method for collecting empirical information involved a survey of 200 teachers across all the federal regions of the Russian Federation. The novelty of the research lies in the systematisation of challenges and mistakes of teachers in preventing deviant behavior of school students; in obtaining new factual material significant for the optimisation of deviant behavior prevention. The practical significance of the research results consists in clarifying the scientific categories and concepts that develop the idea of the conditions of effectiveness of deviant behavior prevention; specification of deviantological competence of teachers. The results can also be taken into account when developing training, retraining and advanced training programmes for teachers. The results of the study differentiated the challenges teachers face with in preventing deviant behavior among school students (into «general» and «specific deviant-preventive» challenges); identified areas of difficulties; and determined typical preventive mistakes made by teachers.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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