Validity check and psychometric indicators of the final form of the questionnaire «Prognoz-3» in simulator training


Sobchenko Aleksandr1


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov


Introduction. Validity checks and psychometric indicators of the final form of the questionnaire «Prognoz-3» for pilot simulator training (its corrected form) are used in professional selection for flight positions of pilots, which demonstrated sufficient discrimination on key and non-key answers when implementing the study in practical activities. The purpose of the study: to develop a specific questionnaire and confirm the main hypothesis that the analysis of the value system allows to create questionnaires that have higher psychometric indicators than traditional ones. The task: to check the psychometric indicators and validity of the measuring construct developed on the basis of the reconstruction of the semantic space, which confirmthe expected result: higher characteristics than the questionnaire measuring the same construct, but created without special analysis of meanings. Research methods and design and technological solutions: the psychometric indicators of the questionnaire and the validity of the measuring construct developed on the basis of the reconstruction of its semantic space were studied and higher characteristics were confirmed in comparison with the questionnaire measuring the same construct without using a special analysis of meanings. The results and conclusions: the development of a specific questionnaire achieved the goal of the study and confirmed the main hypothesis that the analysis of the system of values allows creating questionnaires that have higher psychometric indicators compared to traditional ones.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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