Problems of legal regulation of seeking applicatio for a Candidate of Sciences degree by adjuncture graduates


Bavsun Maksim1ORCID,Mironkina Oksana1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


Introduction. The issues of submitting materials to the dissertation council by adjuncture graduates are mostly in the so-called “gray” zone, that is, they are resolved in accordance with the already established practice, not being appropriately reflected in the normative legal framework. Unfortunately, the lack of the required regulation at any of its levels often leads either to the loss of promising future scientists, or to conflict between an applicant for a degree and an educational organization that trained future specialist. One of such issues is the maximum possible period during which a graduate can expect to receive an opinion from an educational (or scientific) organization on the basis of which his work was prepared. Currently, there is no answer either at the federal level or (very often) at the local level of legal regulation.In this regard, the latter is seen as the most promising way to solve the problem, which allows taking into account the specifics of various branches of science, as well as individual scientific specialties, and in some cases, perhaps, narrow areas of certain research. Purpose: Search for ways to solve the problems of legal regulation of seeking application for a Candidate of Sciences degree by adjuncture graduates. In the process of research, the following methods were used: formal logic, normative legal acts analysis, systemic, historical. Results: We believe that the solution to this problem through its regulation at the level of an educational or scientific organization is quite capable of ensuring the “transparency” of the prospects for applicants for Scientific degrees, while saving them from false illusions that often entail the abuse of their right.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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