Foreign and national approaches to legislative regulation of public relations in the field of application of artificial intelligence technologies


Kobets Peter1ORCID


1. National Research Institute of the MIA of Russia


Introduction. The issue of artificial intelligence is extremely important for most scientific specialties, including law, since the subsequent capabilities of these technologies actualize the need to introduce fundamentally new legal mechanisms and improve the prevention of potential socially dangerous threats in the process of their application. The relevance of studying of the main approaches to legislative regulation of artificial intelligence technologies at the global level is primarily due to the need to improve the legal framework of the Russian Federation in the area under consideration. For this purpose, based on an analysis of specialized literature and legal sources, the author examined the modern practice of individual foreign countries and the Russian Federation in the field of strategic planning and development of legislative activities to regulate the technologies in question. Methods. During the research process, various methods were used, including: analysis, specific historical, comparative legal, systemic and structural. The use of content analysis made it possible to analyze the most problematic aspects of legislative issues related to the effective functioning of artificial intelligence. Results. The author concludes that it is important to comprehensively study the strategic of approach in the field of legislative foundations for the functioning of artificial intelligence technologies, taking into account their special legal category, as well as the advisability of intensifying domestic legislative activities to develop and adopt the necessary legal norms, which will allow in the near future to ensure the required scope of legal regulation of the issue under consideration. phenomenon. The novelty of this work is emphasized by the author’s proposed analysis of legislative regulation of issues related to the effective functioning of artificial intelligence, during which he convincingly proved that Russian legislators should resolve issues of improving the legal framework in this area more actively and on the basis of a comprehensive study of this issue.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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