Modern society as a medium and determinant of legal culture development (experience of legal-theoretical analysis)


Demidova Irina1ORCID


1. Educational institution «Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus»


Introduction. Appeal to questions concerning the state and basic directions of development of legal culture of modern society requires the establishment of factors of social development, which have an essential influence on the formation of law, determine the state, directions of modification and features of functioning of the legal sphere. Transformations of modern society and its legal culture are considered as interdependent processes and as factors of legal life of modern society. Transformations of modern society and its legal culture are considered as interdependent processes and as factors of legal life of modern society. Methods: The study uses the general scientific logical methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalisation, as well as special methods of legal research: formal-legal, historical-legal and comparativelegal. Results. The tendencies of social development, which characterise modernity, determine the features of the state of modern state and the specifics of the evolution of the legal system of a modern state, have been identified. Determinants of state-legal development in the conditions of modernity are: globalization and the connected with it changes of a social device; transformation and crisis of the value bases of public life; updating of cultural sphere; prompt development of techniques and computer technologies and a number of others. The effect of these factors is the change the content and form of law, the conditions and opportunities for legal interaction. Translation by means of the law of system of social values of the corresponding stage of civilization development, legalization of a significant part of social relations, social importance of effective legal communication both at a level of the separate society and world community define a social role of legal culture and necessity of scientific comprehension of the given socially-legal phenomenon. The conclusion about the growth of urgency of such directions of scientific researches as a substantiation of national idea and national values; characteristics of the system of social regulation and management in modern society; mental bases of legal culture; informative, communicative, active aspects of the legal culture of modern society.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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