The participation of the public relations services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the formation of the legal culture of society is a subject of research in modern Russian science


Lapova Evgeniya1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


The article is devoted to the results of the analysis of coverage in the scientific literature of various aspects of the organization and activities of public relations services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The relevance of the article is due to the interest in these units, as well as the notion that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a significant impact on the legal consciousness of citizens, by shaping the attitude of the population to the legislation, law, state power and its ability to solve socially significant problems with the results of its activities. The Department for Interaction with Civil Society Institutions and the Mass Media, together with regional public relations services, has powerful information and propaganda resources and is one of the important subjects in the formation of the legal culture of modern Russian society. During the study, traditional scientific methods were used. The author studied scientific publications characterizing the public relations service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as a subject of the formation of the legal culture of society; the main directions of scientific research were identified, including: a retrospective analysis of the factors in the formation of the legal consciousness of police officers; activities of internal affairs bodies on legal education and improving the image of the department by modern methods; the possibility of using the media in the activities of internal affairs bodies for legal education of the population and in the process of forming the legal awareness of young people; characteristics of internal affairs bodies as the main subject of implementation of the requirements of the President of the Russian Federation on the development of legal awareness and legal literacy of citizens. Results. It is concluded that monographic works, the special subject of which is the theoretical and legal characteristic of the public relations service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia as a subject of the formation of the legal culture of society and the individual, are still absent in domestic and foreign legal science.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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