Causal complex and directions of organized crime prevention


Yakhontova Olesja1ORCID,Trabo Valery1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


This article discusses the determinants of organized crime and measures to prevent it. To date, the need to implement comprehensive measures aimed at preventing organized crime is obvious. This is pointed out by many experts, including those in the field of criminological science. The paper analyzes various points of view of legal scholars on this topic with the presentation of alternative views of representatives of criminological science on the designated problem. The authors focuses on a comparative analysis of organized crime statistics from 2018 to the present.This is especially true when the development of rule-making activity in connection with the demands of the Russian society and global trends reaches a new level and many controversial situations arise. Based on a comparative analysis, the article attempts to streamline the author’s and scientific positions on the prevention of organized crime. The author’s opinion is substantiated on the issue of the relationship between the actual causes and conditions of organized crime and the prevention of this type of crime, conclusions are drawn regarding the prospects for the development of the institutions under consideration for criminological science.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation



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