1. Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation
The article analyses the legal characteristics of the criminal laws of foreign States belonging to the Anglo-Saxon legal family (in the case of Great Britain and the United States of America) with regard to criminal liability for crimes committed by electronic means of payment. The peculiarities of this legal family are noted, which affect the position of the legislator with regard to the regulation of cybercrime, including the legal nature of criminal law; The importance of resolutions of the Royal (Westminster) Courts, the Supreme Court on the constitutionality or unconstitutional nature of ordinary («current») laws (USA), in Canada, Australia and other English-speaking States, in which acts of the highest courts on identical subjects have acquired special importance. Problems affecting criminal legislation have been identified: the de facto absence of systematic rules on the limits of the criminal law; There are contradictions between the written sources of criminal law (in particular with regard to fraud and computer crimes; Recognition of the interpretation of the law by sources of criminal law, etc.). It is noted that there is no Criminal Code in the UK, however, issues of criminal liability for computer crimes are regulated at the level of written law: in the Law on Computer Crimes the adoption of which was facilitated by the judicial precedent of 1988 (R v Gold & Schifreen), in the Law on Fraud of 2006, which classifies the elements of crimes committed in the form of fraudulent fraud. The peculiarities of the criminal law of the United States, which like Great Britain, does not have a codified system of criminal law at the federal level, are noted. An analysis of the two-tier legal system of the United States, the peculiarities of criminal liability for cybercrime in certain states, including FOR theft and fraud by the use of payment cards, has been carried out.
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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