Community policing as characteristic of the modern state governed by the rule of law


Lavrinovich Kirill1


1. Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry Internal Affairs of Russian Federation


The relevance of the research topic are conditioned by the theoretical and practical significance of issues affecting the theoretical, methodological, sociopolitical and practical aspects of the problem of the interaction between the police and civil society institutions in the state governed by the rule of law. These questions are connected with the need to comprehend modern practice to develop new conceptual provisions and dogmatic decisions that are appropriate to the modern conditions. During historiographical analysis it was revealed that the experience of interaction between the police and civil society institutions in the modern states governed by the rule of law in the implementation of the law enforcement function of the state has not been adequately studied and evaluated. The object, subject and purpose of the study were determined in accordance with the current state of legal science. The object of the study was public relations that arise in the field of ensuring the protection of public order, freedom and security of society, state and individual. Police that carries out law enforcement activities on a professional basis and citizens who are actively involved in the implementation of the law enforcement function in the modern state are the subjects of these public relations. Ideas about the main directions and forms of cooperation between police and citizens in the implementation of the law enforcement function of modern states have formed the subject of research. The aim of the study was theoretical and legal analysis of the concept of community policing, which today is the basis for the interaction between the police and civil society institutions in the implementation of the law enforcement function in many modern states. The research methodology was a combination of general scientific (historical, systemic and functional) and special (formal-legal, historical-legal, sociological, comparative state science) methods. The result of the study was the conclusion that the concept of community policing is based on the activities of authorized police agencies to implement the law enforcement function in a modern state governed by the rule of law. These activities are aimed at implementing a model of social partnership and focused on solving specific problems that arise in society.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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