Determination of priority directions and topics of scientific and pedagogical research: criteria of relevance and subjects


Khodyakova Nataliya1ORCID,Vinogradova Natalya2ORCID,Serdyuk Natalya1ORCID


1. Academy of Management of the MIA of Internal Affairs of Russia

2. Institute for Education Development Strategy


Introduction. Determination of priority directions and topics of scientific and pedagogical research determines the prospects for the development of pedagogical science, the content and nature of education reform, ways and means of pedagogical systemsmodernization, options for transforming teachers training and their practical activities. Identification of the subjectscomposition of this activity, as well as the criteria they are guided by, will allow educationalists to more accurately formulate topics for their research and justify their relevance. Methods: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and normative legal acts in the field of education and science; systematization of the analysis results; generalization of the obtained scientific ideas in the form of conclusions. Results. The subjects of the development of the main directions and actual topics of pedagogical research are: Russian state and society, ministries and departments, Russian Academy of Education, scientific and pedagogical schools, authors and their scientific supervisors (advisors). The relevant criteria that should be taken into account in the selection of topics and justification of their relevance are the priorities of the country’s economic policy, the potential of practical usefulness for various social groups, departmental resource capability for research, analytical criteria of the expert community of RAE scientists, the needs for the development of concepts of scientific schools, scientific interests of research authors and their scientific supervisors (advisors).


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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