1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia
Introduction. The values being formed at the period of the professional training and study in the higher education institution have a significant impact on the formation of the subject’s meanings of educational activities, and the possibility of their conflict-free realisation determinates the state of psychological wellbeing. Differences of the individual’s ideas about the ways of realising the values, and also the domination of desires over the achievement motivation and the motivation of focusing on success determinate passivity in the realisation of value targets and psychological distress. The aim of study consisted of identifying the peculiarities and interrelationships of value factors providing cadets’ psychological wellbeing in the educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Methods. In the study the general scientific methods were used, aimed at the collection, analysis, systematising and generalisation of data, also psycho-diagnostic method, methods of descriptive, comparative and correlation analyses with using Student t-criteria and Pearson correlation coefficient. The selection of study was introduced to the cadets having been trained in the higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (n = 152), average age: 22,1 ± 1,1 years. Results. In the result of study it was established that representation of value factors in the complex of experience both the psychological wellbeing and the psychological distress, was determined practically with equal values. Differences between wellbeing and distress are provided with higher expression of values of developing yourself, spiritual satisfaction, values of public life spheres, training and education at the state of psychological wellbeing. During the study the dependence of the psychological wellbeing from the realisation of values was identified what is explained with multiple positive correlations between the value meanings and wellbeing At psychological distress the correlations between its meanings and the value meanings are characterised with negative links. The most significant criteria in the assessment of links between values and psychological wellbeing is not so the value factor as mechanism of their achievement reflecting general personality activity, the level of positive motivation, focus on success and personality maturity.
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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