1. Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia
Introduction. In solving the problem of interaction between the police and civil society institutions in implementing the law enforcement function of the state, the policing experience of foreign countries can be actual for developing new conceptual provisions and dogmatic solutions adequate to contemporary conditions. The research of different models of police activity organisation in foreign countries will reveal common patterns and suggest more efficient and effective measures to organise interaction between the police and civil society institutions in Russia. Purpose of the research is to identify the most effective management mechanisms for the formation of interaction between the police and civil society institutions in implementing the law enforcement function of the state on the basis of theoretical and legal analysis of models of the organisation of police activities in foreign countries. Theoretical aspects of the organisation of local self-government, traditionally historically linked to policing, are reflected in the theses of E. S. Gorbatyuk, I. A. Gorsheneva, D. O. Ezevsky, A. M. Kononov and others. Comparative analysis of police activity of foreign states, including cooperation with civil society institutions, was carried out in the researches of I. A. Andreeva, A. V. Bykov , D. V. Vasiliev , A. V. Gubanov, E. V. Kirichok, A. K. Kiselev, O. B. Moroz, V. F. Saetgarayev, A. I. Stepanyan and others. The issues of interaction of the police and society were considered in the works of P. N. Kobets, N. S. Nizhnik, G. R. Rustemova, I. S. Prikhodko and others. The theory of the relationship between local political culture and the organisation of police activities (J. K. Wilson) was used to identify and evaluate the mechanisms of partnership between the police and society. Methods. The research is based on the system approach, general scientific methods (primarily analysis and synthesis), the method of materialistic dialectics; special methods: comparative-historical, formal-legal; historical-legal analysis, chronological method. Results. The studied models of police organisation in foreign countries are derived from the generic concept of “service model of police organisation”, are aimed at social cohesion, stability with a high level of citizen participation and are relevant for different countries. The priority task of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is the social orientation of its activities, which allows police units to make their best in using the social and public potential of the Russian society in solving the tasks assigned to them.
Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
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