Formation of the public relations services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a subject of the of the legal culture of Russian society


Lapova Evgeniya1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


Introduction. The article is devoted to issues related to the participation of internal affairs agencies in the formation of the legal culture of society at different historical stages. The activities of the internal affairs bodies have a significant impact on the legal awareness of the population, forming the attitude of citizens to the legal provisions, law, and state power by various means, including through the analysis and implementation of the state information policy in the sphere of internal affairs. In order to purposefully influence on the legal culture of society and law enforcement officers, in 1983 a special unit was created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR – the public relations service, the prerequisites for the formation of this service began to form when the Russian police was established. A historiographical analysis of the problems of the formation and development of public relations services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia indicates the availability of scientific papers covering certain aspects of information support for the Ministry’s activities. But a comprehensive study of the history of the public relations service and departments for interaction with civil society institutions and the media of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the definition of the main stages of their formation and development has not yet been carried out. Methods. Dialectics, acting as a general methodology of scientific knowledge, made it possible to base the research on the principles of comprehensive study of legal processes and phenomena, unity of theory and practice. The main methodological approaches of the study were a systematic and value-based practice. Methods of content analysis, periodisation, integrity, as well as other general scientific and special methods of legal research are involved. A broad approach has been applied to characterize the stages of formation and development of the public relations service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, involving consideration of its history not only in the period after their official registration (1983), but also during the formation of ideological, organizational and legal prerequisites for the creation of a special service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Results. The Public Relations Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is characterized as a comprehensive system education. The legally significant processes related to the formation of ideological, organisational and legal prerequisites for their creation in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered. The Public Relations Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a special subject of the formation of the legal culture of police officers of the Russian Federation and citizens of modern Russia.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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