Criminological characteristics of bribery in Internal Affairs Bodies


Shirshanova Ekaterina1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia


Introduction. The article deals with the negative socio-legal phenomenon - bribery in the internal affairs bodies. On the basis of actual statistical data and materials of judicial practice the relevance of the research subject is emphasised, as well as the increased social danger of crimes related to bribery committed by employees of internal affairs bodies. For the purpose of a comprehensive study of bribery in internal affairs bodies, the author analyses the elements of criminological characteristics of the phenomenon under consideration: the personality of the perpetrator, determinants, prevention measures. Methods. For a comprehensive study of the problem of bribery in the internal affairs bodies the general scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, generalisation were used. Also private-scientific methods were used, such as: analysis of statistical data and judicial practice, interpretation of legal norms and the method of forecasting. Results. Bribery has the greatest specific proportion among all corruptionrelated crimes; employees of internal affairs bodies are the most involved in committing such crimes among all law enforcement officers. Bribery in internal affairs bodies is a complex of interrelated acts that are aimed not only at obtaining benefits by employees, but also at the realisation of other personal interest due to the specifics of service in internal affairs bodies.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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