Gender and age characteristics of resilience of adolescents with sustainable illegal behavior


Gor'kovaya Irina1,Ivanov Artem1


1. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at analyzing hardiness of 14–17 year-olds with persistent illegal behavior (n = 118) in comparison with their peers who demonstrate conditionally normal behavior (n = 117). The assessment of hardiness was carried out with the use of the short version of the Hardiness Test by E. I. Rasskazova and E. N. Osin. The results show that adolescents with persistent illegal behavior are characterized by lower indicators of hardiness, in comparison with adolescents with conditionally normative behavior, and this trend is manifested both in the analysis of the total indicator and particular indicators of hardiness. The analysis of changes in the total and particular indicators of hardiness (performed with the cross-section method) identifies a trend associated with consistent increase in hardiness indicators among adolescents with persistent illegal behavior, while in adolescents form comparison group these indicators decrease. The analysis of gender differences allows us to establish that the trend to increasing hardiness in the group of adolescents with persistent illegal behavior is characteristic of girls, while the hardiness of boys who make up this group decreases as they grow up, as well as in their peers with conditionally normative behavior. The necessity of a differentiated approach to the psychological support of the personal development of boys and girls with persistent illegal behavior is discussed.


Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

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